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With the U-Lite, you have a scanner equipped with a veritable computer, allowing you to carry out any measures you need with the help of complex algorithms.”

dr birholz Pr. Jason Birhholz Radiologist in the U.S.

I am the lucky owner of a Sonoscanner Orcheo Lite and I am very happy to work with in in my daily work. I have worked with it for 3-4 years and I do all kind of scanning.”

Doctor Kasper Lorentzen
General Practitioner, Denmark

More than 3,500 physicians worldwide have chosen Sonoscanner ultrasounds scanner

Find us or call us
localisation 6, rue André Voguet 94 200 Ivry-sur-Seine France

phoneSonoscanner Headquarter
+ 33 9 54 97 15 57

phoneU.S.A. Sales Representative
Marc Paliotta 
+1 657 733 2633

Sonoscanner, fabricant français d'échographes performants


When mobility and simplicity
are your daily requirements.


To cover all medical specialties
while remaining easily portable.


A high-performance ultrasound station
for all your examinations